CAI-NJ Sept. 2019update

POSITIVE RELATIONS... from page 44.

ple of the LAC priority bills, at least in part because of their attendance at the updates. The township police department has established a com- munity outreach program in which several police officers attend bimonthly meetings with property managers from the common interest communities in the township. Our HOA has hosted those meetings periodically as part of our effort to build positive relations with the municipality. Because of our excellent relationship with the township, our needs are heard. We don’t get everything we ask for,

Courtesy CAI-NJ.

Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo addressing 2019 Legislative Update at HWLHOA.

but we have had many positive outcomes. When HOA representatives appear at a committee meeting at town hall, they know who we are and listen respectfully, even if they cannot do as we ask. Taking your mayor to coffee is a great idea. As president of the HOA, I had coffee with the mayor at least every couple of months. It helped each of us better understand the other’s issues, even if the township could not resolve all our problems. Mutual respect stems animosity and also allowed us to discuss national politics, even though our parties were different.

Courtesy CAI-NJ.

Township of Hamilton Committee Candidates at HWL.


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