CAI-NJ Sept. 2019update
TRENTON... from page 14.
shortens the time period within which a sheriff’s sale must take place after fore- closure judgment has been entered on a vacant and abandoned property. Additionally, the “New Jersey Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA)” has been moving in the State legislature which we hope will get passed before the session ends. With the passage of the foreclosure bill package and recent committee hearings on UCOIA, there is clear- ly an appetite for taking on issues that positively impact common interest communities in New Jersey. CAI-NJ LAC will continue to build our relation- ships with key legislators and com- mittee members to ensure that CAI is seen as the expert on issues surround- ing community interest communities. n
moved all year. Legislation not passed by early January will expire and have to be reintroduced when the new ses- sion begins soon after. Despite tensions between the Governor’s office and the State Legislature, CAI has been able to suc- cessfully move forward several key pri- ority initiatives. Recently, the Governor signed a package of foreclosure reform bills that were a top priority for CAI. These new laws make the following changes: extends common interest com- munity lien priority to homeowner asso- ciations, extends the one-time, six month lien priority to an annual, six month lien priority for a maximum of five years, and
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