CAI-NJ Sep.2016

LICENSING... from page 34.

education biennially, of which 3 hours were to be devoted to ethics, another requirement important to the task force members. The estimated renewal fee, based on existing fees in other juris- dictions with such legislation in place, would be approximately $225.00, which were estimated to be sufficient to support any and all anticipated expenses of the DCA and Community Manager Board in administering the requirements. An exorbitant fee would not be supported by CAI under any circumstances. The licensing fees of other professionals were evaluated to determine the reasonableness of any proposed fee. If there was a violation by an individual of the requirements, the Commissioner of the DCA could issue an injunction and/or impose a $2,500 fine for a first offense and a $5,000 fine for a second and subse- quent offenses, of course after offering an opportunity for a hearing.

In 2015, the concept of manag- er certification rather than manag- er licensing was proposed to the DCA. No independent Community Manager Board would be estab- lished. The criteria for certification and recertification would be similar to what was proposed for licensure. Self-certification by a manager of compliance with continuing education requirements would be permissible. The DCA would handle the registration pro- cess electronically and if a written com- plaint regarding a manager is received, the DCA would simply confirm that the manager appears in the DCA’s records as a certified manager and refer any complaint to a rotating peer review committee, to be comprised of three (3) certified community association man- agers. CAI will continue to approach the DCA attempting to finalize the development and monitoring of this much-needed program until our efforts are successful. n

community association manager and all co-workers and be paid for by the association unless otherwise agreed. The proposed license would be for a 2 year cycle. A community asso- ciation manager would be required to complete 18 hours of continued

Associations: Are You in Compliance with New Jersey Law? • C A I - N J A l t e r n a t i v e D i s p u t e R e s o l u t i o n • M e d i a t i o n S e r v i c e s P r o g r a m

CAI-NJ is proud to offer members Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mediation Services This program is an alternative to litigation, as mandated by state law. This service includes negotiation and mediation with a neutral party, and is offered to community associations. Use our trained mediators to quickly and economically resolve your dispute. Examples of disputes covered are: • Parking • Pets • Noise • Rules Violations • Maintenance Problems For information on CAI-NJ’s ADR Program, please contact us at:

Phone: (609) 588-0030 Email: CAI Member Rate: $375.00 Non-Member Rate: $500.00


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