CAI-NJ October 2020

A Message from Jessica Kizmann, CPA 2020 CAI-NJ Conference & Expo Committee Chair WilkinGuttenplan

T he year 2020 has challenged our industry, and the world, with new trials and measures to ensure the health and safety of our communities. For this year’s Conference and Expo, we are celebrating these unprecedented times by putting a Focus on the Future with CAI-NJ! As a committee member for five years, I have seen CAI overcome many obstacles; this year will be nothing short of the same! We are saddened that we will not be able to host this year’s Conference and Expo in person, however we will be presenting our community with its first ever virtual conference! As the 2020 Chair of the Conference and Expo Committee, I am thrilled about the opportunity for our committee to present a new, energizing Expo format that we think you will all enjoy! I would like to thank our amazing committee member volunteers for all their support and their dedication to CAI during this extraordinary year. As you have seen over the last few months, CAI has been sharing digital content on all our business partners and exhibitors. I hope you have joined in on the fun and watched our community managers and business partners go head-to-head in the virtual bimonthly games of HOA Feud. The 2020 CAI-NJ Virtual Conference and Expo festiv- ities will continue into October with additional educational webinars, video highlights on our partners and conference exhibitors, private live stream sessions, door prizes, and giveaways (you do not need to be in person to win big)! I encourage you to par- ticipate in this month’s events that the committee and our CAI leadership have curated. Please visit for more information on this extended virtual conference that will be a bright light of 2020 and be talked about for years to come! n

“...I am thrilled about the opportunity for our committee to present a new, energizing Expo format that we think you will all enjoy!”


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