CAI-NJ Oct. 2018(w)


Have you increased your CAI Board Membership Yet?

L ast fall the CAI National Board of Trustees approved a change to the structure of community association board member membership to make increasing Homeowner Leader membership a priority. The CAI New Jersey chapter embraced this change and has experienced unprecedent- ed growth under the new program. CAI-NJ is proud to now serve over 1,000 Homeowner Leader members. The new program has made it much easier and more cost effective for entire boards to join at a new lower cost to the association. Homeowner Leader boards of three to fifteen members can sign up for CAI membership at the rate of $295 a year. This is a drastic savings from the old program where dues for a large board could exceed $1,000. Boards that join under the new program will receive access to members-only benefits, special events and educational programs tailored for community associa- tion board members and key volunteers, free admission to the Annual Conference & Expo and more. We encourage existing Homeowner Leader members to sign up every member of their board as well as all key volun- teers in order to make the most of the membership investment in CAI and the New Jersey chapter. There are many reasons why it is important to enroll your key volunteers along with your board members. You can educate your community leaders to build consensus with the board’s plans, get your committee chairs familiar with industry professionals, create a succession plan for your community association and more. Business Partner, Manager and Management company members can help promote the program by spreading the word to the community associations that they work and do business with. It is well known that it is easier to work with an educated and knowledgeable board.

"Homeowner Leader boards of three to fifteen members can sign up for CAI membership at the rate of $295 a year." Many of our community association members have not yet taken advantage of this new program. The 2018 Membership Committee, led by Lysa Bergenfeld, Esq. and Nikolaos Haralambopoulos, has worked hard over the past year to promote the program by reaching out to our member associations with information. Please support their efforts to grow the New Jersey chapter’s Homeowner Leader membership category by spreading the word about the new program when speaking with a member or non-member community association. We at CAI-NJ believe that these changes to the com- munity association Homeowner Leader program are very exciting and may open the door for many questions. If you are a current member who would like assistance navigating the new Homeowner Leader membership program or if you are considering membership for your community association board, please feel free to reach out to me at (609) 588-0030 or with any questions. If you wish to register your board for CAI membership, please contact CAI National at (888)224-4321 for assis- tance or email to request a membership application. n


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