CAI-NJ Oct. 2018(w)

A Message from Cheryl Rhine, CIC, CIRMS 2018 CAI-NJ Conference & Expo Committee Chair

T his year at our Conference and Expo we are celebrating 40 Years of Prime Time with CAI! I am truly honored to have served as the Chair this year and have the opportunity to work with such a wonderful group of individuals. This has been a very busy and exciting year for us. We started the year planning our event at a completely new venue and we are thrilled to be holding this event at the Encore Event Center at iPLAY America in Freehold. This new venue offers a state of the art exhibit hall, beautiful meeting rooms as well as an added fun factor that nowhere else has ever had before! The new venue is not our only big change this year. For the first time ever all property managers as well as homeowner leaders can attend the conference free of charge. This was a long term goal of the committee and we are so happy to see it finally come to fruition. In addition, the C&E committee has been very hard at work planning and coordinating the series of seminars and we are excited to be offering our first ever TED Talks as part of this year’s conference. The committee has put endless hours of time and thought into providing our CAI members with seminars on relevant topics of interest as well as a balance of exhibit floor time to benefit everyone from attendees to exhibitors alike. Our theme this year is inspired by CAI’s 40 Year anniversary and we look forward to seeing some throwback fun with an ode to the good old days of Prime Time TV! One thing we didn’t change is our very popular $1,000 an hour give-away so make sure you put in your extra ticket for your chance to win! We appreciate the insight from some of our partner committees that we also met with this year for some input to improve this year’s C&E. I hope that everyone benefits from the changes we have implemented and look forward to hearing your feedback. I hope to see you there. Make sure to find me and say hello as I would love to hear your thoughts on the conference. If you haven’t already signed up, get this event on your calendar now and go to and register to attend. October 18th is right around the corner and this is the year you don’t want to miss! Cheryl Rhine, CIC, CIRMS Vice President USI Insurance Services 2018 CAI-NJ Conference and Expo Committee Chair


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