CAI-NJ November 2020
Management Trends... from page 40.
so many more options and this is a good thing! Most likely, Zoom meetings are the way of the future, since there is a ten- dency to get the business taken care of and to engage in less inter personal chatter. This is a time saver. This new system of “talking heads” may be the wave of the future, since it allows a better sense of participation
than simply reading minutes. Another advantage is that owners feel that they “know” the board better when they see them and hear them speak. Agendas remain important and should be emailed to all partic- ipants prior to the meeting. The person running the meeting tends to follow the agenda more careful- ly when in a Zoom meeting, and since observers are muted, there are fewer distractions. In summary, Zooming takes less time, allows more attendees, and should be continued even after in per- son gatherings are allowed. n Inspections Formal inspections by your local jurisdiction and/or governing agency are essential to ensure that your proj- ect was completed safely, correctly, and to code. Ask your contractor how they handle inspections. Are they planning to get all the required permits? Who will be onsite to meet the inspector and show them the work? How do they handle a failed It goes without saying that any con- tactor working in your building should carry insurance, otherwise your com- munity runs the risk of paying out if there is an accident or problem. That being said, some contractors try and save money by purchasing the minimum insurance required. Before selecting a contractor, make sure you ask to see their certificate of insur- CONTRACTORS... from page 37. inspection? Insurance
HML-4337 CAI Dec 2013_1/2 pg vertical 11/22/13 10:48 AM Page 1 fortable simply observing and listening to board meetings from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, many own- ers who may work late would rather watch the meeting from their office or listen to the meeting in their cars on the way home. Technology presents
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