CAI-NJ November 2020

Management Trends... from page 38.

In all the above situations, documents can be shared by the person running the meeting. The document is displayed on the screen while being discussed. There are more complicated uses as well, such as using fake backgrounds if a person does not want to show their location. This is simple but requires a little training. Also, since the meetings can be recorded, if someone wants to view the meeting at a later date- such as candidates night that may be allowed, but other meetings (where there are standard minutes maintained) should not be recorded. Minutes should document decisions, votes, and import- ant points; however, verbatim discussions should not be transcribed. This new option of Zoom or Go to Meetings tends to be very popular and encourages more people to attend. Since individuals do not have to travel to and from the meeting, they are apt to “tune in.” Many associations have noticed that more owners attend via Zoom than in person. Of course, there is also the incentive that owners can elect to not be seen, even though they are present and may be counted towards a quorum. Many owners are more com-

the appropriate person. These may be recorded if the Board wishes to allow people who could not attend to see the candidates speak. • Annual Meetings and Elections – Board, manager, attorney, and others making reports can speak and owners will be muted until the meeting is open for motions from the floor and/or discussion. Then if voting is by mail, the bal- lots can be opened and counted in front of the community. If there are motions from the floor the owners in attendance can vote by noting their vote in the written comments sec- tion that is available; the comment section can also be used to make motions from the floor during the meeting. It is not recommended that these be recorded. • New Homeowner Orientation – Moderator can speak, and new owners can introduce themselves and ask questions. Not necessary to record. • Committee Meetings – All participants can speak – no recording.



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