CAI-NJ Nov. 2019(w)

SURFACE CARE... from page 18.

C ONDOMINIUM A PPROVAL E XPERTS FHA Condominium Project Approvals (New, Established & ReCerti cations) FANNIE MAECondominiumProjectApprovals

tures like planters and fountains. Carpet tile and ceramic tile areas may look different when honed and colored. For areas with tile and grout, testing by an experienced concrete specialist may be needed. Tests may include a mud bed pull test, density test and material absorption testing to determine the appropriate installation and maintenance plan. Thankfully, there is a solution to all surface care challenges. A qual- ified consultant can provide a field assessment and offer recommen- dations for existing floors that may

w w w . P R O J E C T A P P R O VA L S . c o m Call Phil Sutcli e 215.368.9452 5 North Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446

“Depending on the flooring type, there may be environmentally-friendly disposal options and recycling programs to consider.”

involve restoration as needed and an ongoing cleaning and maintenance plan. If or when the flooring needs to be replaced, the same expert can provide a long-term maintenance strategy, cost analysis and surface recommendations before a flooring investment is made. Depending on the flooring type, there may be environmentally-friendly dispos- al options and recycling programs to consider. While recycling programs are a wonderful option, the truly envi- ronmentally-conscious option is to keep flooring on the floor as long as possible and out of the landfill. Your budget and the earth will thank you. n

COMMERCIAL LAWN MAINTENANCE & CERTIFIED PAVER INSTALLATIONS Install Trees, Shrubs, Sod, Mulch & Decorative Stone Richard Eible - Owner Business: 732-926-8843 203 Sergeantsville Road Cell: 732-245-0022 Flemington, NJ 08822 Fax: 908-751-5888 Email: Serving All of New Jersey Landscaping & Design, LLC Snow Plowing & Salting

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