CAI-NJ Nov. 2019(w)
Financing a Project in Today’s Economic Environment By David Shahrabani, Popular Association Banking
fernandoks/iStock/Getty Images Plus and Feodora Chiosea/iStock/Getty Images Plus
“...the decision to go forward with a project completely, in a scaled down manner, or not at all rests with the association.”
I. Introduction The current economic climate is healthy but has shown signs recently of possible headwinds in the future. Current economic data is good with low unemployment and record highs in the stock market, but all-time lows in interest rates and an inverted yield curve worry economists of a
possible upcoming recession as this demonstrates a flight to safety. Under these circumstances, associations are seeking professional services to guide them through these fiscal conditions. Paying for property repairs or improvements is an import- ant decision. As the economy moves ahead, the upkeep of CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 24
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