CAI-NJ May 2022 Community Trends

CAPITAL RESERVES... from page 24.

and safety concerns. Likewise, pave ment deterioration occurs at acceler ated rates over time resulting in more repair expense if the life is continuous ly extended. Replacement Costs Unrealistically lowering replacement costs will also inevitably result in a funding shortage down the road.

The unit costs provided in the Reserve analysis are typically based upon a number of sources, including pub lished documentation on replacement costs and professional opinion based upon experience in site and build ing construction. They are established based upon the actual anticipated aspects of a particular project. Existing site conditions, the size and scope of the future replacement proj ect, the job access locations, the site restoration costs, proper methods and materials are all variables that affect the item’s replacement costs. Reducing these cost projections or reducing the scope to less than what is needed is “Eliminating funding for the replacement of a common element is the most glaring of all methods of funding deferral.”

facades, decks or pavement projects will very likely actually end up costing more if prolonged. Roofs, decks, and façades will likely have increased damages that need repair, increasing leaks that result in damage or even life

not recommended. My brother-in-law says, “I can do that job for half that cost” is not a good resource. Eliminating an Item Eliminating funding for the replace ment of a common element is the most glaring of all methods of funding deferral. To say that the association is not funding for an item at this point in time or will pay for the item with a future special assessment is merely saying that

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