CAI-NJ May 2021


You are our community. Without you, there would not be a New Jersey CAI. Thank you for your loyalty to the chapter. A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you, our dear members, our partners, community association managers, homeowner leaders, service providers and professionals, for sticking by us over the past year. Finally, we are at a time where we can walk through the door and once again see each other in person. Event Reopening Task Force was created and is com- prised of CAI-NJ Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs, members of the CAI-NJ Board of Directors, and the CAI-NJ Team. The task force was charged with drafting guidelines that would ensure the events will be executed as safely as possible allow- ing our members to be comfortable attending. Currently, all events will be hosted outdoors, subject to change, based on the Governor’s Executive Orders for event reopening. The CAI-NJ Event Reopening Guidelines, detail the precautions that the chapter is taking and include social distancing and face mask requirements, adequate sanitizing, contactless registration, informational signage, venue capacity, food, and beverage safety as well as security compliance. The full guidelines are available on the events page of our website along with the COVID-19 Waiver, Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns as your safety and comfort level is my top priority. Vaccine Eligibility. As I am sure you are all aware, as of April 19, 2021, all New Jersey Residents over the age of 16 are eligible to receive the COVID‑19 vaccina- tion. Visit for our COVID-19 Resource Page with useful links including the New Jersey Vaccine Appointment Finder. Welcome Back Party will be the first event of the year, on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at the Asbury Park Festhalle & Biergarten. This event will celebrate you, our

member managers, homeowner leaders, Partners, and Conference & Expo Exhibitors. We will be following our Event Reopening Guidelines, limiting registration so please register early as it will sell out. Save the Date for our upcoming in-person events. • CA-PAC Top Golf on Thursday, May 20th at Top Golf in Edison. Network with your colleagues and make new connections while supporting your CA-PAC. • Annual Golf Outing will take place on Tuesday, June 15th at the Forsgate Country Club. • Business Partner Essentials on June 21st, location TBD. This class will give our business partner members the opportunity to gain insight into what is expected of them from community association managers and board members. Those participating and passing the exam will earn the Business Partner Distinction. • Annual Awards Celebration will be a hybrid event this year with a virtual awards presentation the day prior and an in-person cocktail reception, on June 24th at the Mercerville Boathouse. Join us for both events to honor your peers and celebrate excellence in our industry. • Annual Beach Party is scheduled for Friday, September 17th at Martell’s Tiki Bar in Point Pleasant. Join us at our end-of-summer bash as we host one of our best-attended events. • Conference & Expo. This two-day event will once again be at the Events Center at iPlay America in Freehold, scheduled this year for October 20-21. Visit with exhibitors and educate yourself on industry-related hot topics. I hope to see you soon. Additional in-person and virtual events are being added to our calendar. For registration and information for all our events, please visit the Events page of our website periodically, n


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