CAI-NJ May 2021
Wilkin Management Group , Inc. 30 Years of History
Attention All CAI-NJ Webinar Attendees:
Please remember to keep your webinar completion certificates in a safe place. These certificates are distributed after each CAI-NJ webinar. This is proof that you attended and completed the webinar. You may need to reference the certificate in the future and CAI-NJ does not keep track of each member’s attendance record. Community managers will definitely need the certificates to obtain credit for continuing education towards their designations.
For over 30 years, Wilkin Management Group has held to an unshakeable corporate philosophy of Creating Value for Our Clients. Our People , Process and Performance demonstrates an un-wavering commitment to do so. With locations in Northern and Central NJ Visit us on the web at | 201.560.0900
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Power your business forward with our HOA PremiumReserve Solutions. Put our expertise to work for you with: • The ease of dealing with one bank for all your HOA banking needs • A competitive rate of return to grow excess reserve funds • The security of knowing your funds are protected and secured by a surety bond
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Funds inexcess of FDIC insurancecoverage limits arecoveredbya third-party issued suretybond. Suchexcess funds arenot subject toFDICdeposit insurance.The suretybondprovidingexcess coverageoverFDIC insurancemaybecancelled at any timeupon30days’ writtennotice. Shouldanoticeof cancellationbegiven, CITwill contact theclient todiscuss alternatives toprovide for thecontinued safetyof funds.Maynot beavailable inevery state. Premiumreserveproducts are for newmoneyonly (moneynot currentlyheldbyCITBank, N.A.) ©2021 CITGroup Inc.All rights reserved. CITand theCIT logoare registered trademarks ofCITGroup Inc. Deposit and loanproducts areoffered throughCITBank, N.A., theFDIC- insurednational banksubsidiaryofCITGroup Inc.MM#9902
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