CAI-NJ May 2017
es. From my viewpoint, there is noth- ing better than being in a room with incredibly knowledgeable experts in community association issues along with other board members willing to share their experiences in community governance. The BLD workshop is one of the most effective ways to cover critical subject areas necessary to being an effective leader among your community’s residents. I highly recommend that all board members and homeowner leaders attend the next BLD workshop, taking place on Thursday, June 8, 2017. While the BLD workshop is an intense one-day training in com- munity association matters, CAI-NJ offers several other CAI member-free opportunities for board members and
Write for Community Trends ®
CAI-NJ and the Editorial Committee are always looking for new articles to publish in Community Trends. ® If you are interested in submitting an article for pos- sible inclusion in Community Trends ® , please contact Jaclyn Olszewski at 609-588-0030 or jaclyn@cainj. org View the guidelines for submitting an article at
June: Senior Summit (Due May 3rd) July: Budgeting and Reserves (Due June 3rd) August: Emergency Preparedness (Due July 3rd) September: LAC October: Conference & Expo November: What’s New (Due Oct. 3rd) December: Looking Forward to 2018 (Due Nov 3rd) UPCOMING THEMES
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