CAI-NJ March 2021

ROADWAY... from page 16.

Professional Engineer, you are getting an objective perspective and someone who has the community’s best interests in mind. With that being said, the engineer will work on behalf of your community to ensure the paving or infrastructure project is performed correctly and on-schedule. Asphalt Overlay Asphalt overlay is a common method used to “fix” and prevent pavement areas before potholes and other defects occur. The best time to do this is during the spring and sum- mer. It is advised that larger communities should perform it in phases. It is recommended asphalt overlays should be done in conjunction with drainage and piping. The engi- neer will tell you what asphalt, paving and piping all needs to be on the same page to avoid complications and future emergency failures. It is also important to have an in-depth inspection con- duced because if an area is going bad because of water issues, the engineer will need to make sure the area has proper drainage before putting asphalt over the problem area.

tennis courts. The engineer will inspect and create a repair plan for all amenities that will increase the community’s overall value, cost savings and integrity.

But Aren’t all of These Items Already Included in my Reserve Study?

The reserve study may include roadway and pavement but usually in a fundamental, generalized, and non-descript way. Often, there has not been a proper inspection con- ducted, and there is not enough information included to address the full needs of the roadways and infrastructure. Having this focused inspection and report is a significant value-add to your reserve study. This information is exclusive to your roadways, infrastructure, and pavement, which will provide a better projection of the time frame and the costs to fix issues and what preventative maintenance is needed. If the program is precise and adhered to, the cost for repair and upkeep will be less in the long run. When you retain a


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