CAI-NJ Mar. 2019 (w)
CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 18 Prime Management, Inc. AAMC Announces Partnership of Barbara Drummond, CMCA, PCAM and Christopher Nicosia, MM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM MANAHAWKIN, NJ – Prime Management, Inc., AAMC, announced the partnership of Barbara Drummond, CMCA, PCAM, President and CEO and Christopher Nicosia, MM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, Vice President and COO effective January 1st. The partnership was a culmination of years of strategic changes along with continued growth of its portfolio. “I started the company twenty-nine years ago and was the sole owner,” Drummond said. “As Prime continued to grow, I knew it was time to set up a succession plan that ensured the thousands of people that count on us could continue to for years to come. Chris has been a tremendous asset and I am so happy we finally formalized our partnership.” “Barbara and I work so well together because our ideol- ogy on customer service is completely aligned. We earn our business every day,” said Nicosia. FirstService Residential, AAMC, Welcomes Delancey Place to its Southern New Jersey Management Portfolio EATONTOWN, NJ — FirstService Residential, AAMC, recently contracted to provide property management ser- • Submissions may include (1) image. • Submissions should not be advertorial in nature. Please note, CAI-NJ reserves the right to edit any submissions. The chapter reserves the right to omit information as necessary. CAI-NJ has the exclusive right to refuse to publish any submissions for any reason. For questions regarding the Chapter Trends section of Community Trends ® , please contact or 609-588-0030.
Courtesy CAI-NJ.
(above) Ronald L. Perl, Esq., CCAL (left) accepts the award in New Orleans.
Ronald L. Perl, Esq., CCAL Receives Don Buck Lifetime Contribution Award PRINCETON, NJ — Longtime CAI-NJ member, Ronald L. Perl, Esq., CCAL of Hill Wallack LLP, was recently awarded the Don Buck Lifetime Contribution Award, the most presti- gious honor given by the College of Community Association Lawyers. Perl accepted the award on January 25th, during the 2019 Community Association Law Seminar in New Orleans. The award recognizes attorneys who exhibit exceptional lead- ership in the field of community association law. • All submissions must come from and be about: - A member of CAI-NJ (Manager, Management Company, Board Member, Business Partner or Business Partner Employee) in good standing. • Companies/Communities are permitted four (4) announcements per calendar year. • Submissions are limited to 150 words. - Members are responsible to condense the informa- tion appropriately, as CAI-NJ will not do so. Any submissions over 150 words will not be published.
Chapter Trends Editorial Guidelines
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