CAI-NJ July 2021


By Katie Zsamba, CMCA, AMS, Associa - Community Management Corporation of New Jersey, AAMC

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I f you ever played youth sports, you know that their focus is on fundamentals. They create the foundation on which skills are cultivated. The educational cours- es required to obtain property management credentials follow the same thought process. Although this industry is filled with unique situations, which even the best fiction writers could not have dreamt up, a solid foundation of knowledge can make a difference in one’s success. I started my career with little knowledge of the industry. When I was promoted to a property manager position I had only the knowledge obtained during my time as an administrator. It was not until I took my first educational course, Community Associations Institute’s ( CAI ) M-100 Course – “The Essentials of Community Association Management” that I gained a better understanding of what my role was as a property manager. After taking the M-100, I set my sights on the Certified Manager of Community Associations ( CMCA ) designation. The knowledge I had gained while obtaining my CMCA , gave me a newfound confidence in my role as a property manager. I have since obtained my Association Management Specialist ( AMS ) credential and am working towards my Professional Community Association Manager ( PCAM ). A large majority of industries, including but not limited to the medical field, law, and accounting all require those professionals to obtain a level of accreditation, some in the form of licenses, to practice in their field. Although New Jersey does not require a

“The knowledge I had gained while

obtaining my CMCA , gave me a newfound

confidence in my role as a property manager.”



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