CAI-NJ July 2020(w)
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ment. So, I said, “I should be good.” He then responded, “You wouldn’t believe why people call me”. I then said, “Ok, so if I get a flat tire in the middle of the night, I’ll put you on speed dial.” He then told me he was a heavy sleeper. What if you have a custodian, or superintendent who are heavy sleepers? Just imagine… it’s the middle of the night. Do you know where the building shut off valves are? Could you explain to a fire official
"A building manual will not only be your guide but a bridge."
how to reset the alarm system? New systems put in place start- ed with an idea. The May 12th, 2014 new security system. The April 10th, 2015 new sprinkler system. The August 23rd, 2016 conversion from oil to gas. All of these ideas were born from an initial thought. The most important idea should be, what will be in the best interest of our communi- ty. But just like every manual, whether fighting a pandemic or system con- trols, there should be guidance from people who have expert experience in their field. You cannot expect to be an expert overnight. What you should understand is how to place a band- aid on a wound in order to give the experts time to close it with a suture. A building manual will not only be
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