T his year’s Senior Summit should prove to be the best attended yet. We normally get between 100 and 130 attendees at this annual event and based on early feed- back, this year will be just as successful. In keeping with CAI- NJ’s dedication to providing free education to our Homeowner Leader (HL) members, this event will again be provided at no cost to all of the attendees. The CAI-NJ Board of Directors has determined as one of their priorities to offer as much education and training to our community board members as practical as long as it can be slotted in with our other numerous events. We offer CAI’s Board Leadership Development Workshop (BLD) free to our HL members. We provide the class two times per year. We recently held the first session in early June and the second class is slated for August 6 and 7. These classes are held at our Freehold office. CAI-NJ picks up the cost for the materials and provides breakfast and lunch on both days. Space is limited, so if you would like to attend, I suggest that you contact Angela Kavanaugh as soon as possible to reserve your seat. Additional information and a registration from can be found on page 28. This class is an in-depth overview of data and practices that every board member should know. It covers finances, meetings, communications and legal con- cerns that board members may encounter during their tenure as a board member. Several towns or municipalities have informal committees or groups comprised of residents or board members that live in common interest communities. We are often asked to attend their meetings and provide relevant updates on any legislative or industry specific issues that may be helpful to the attendees. We are happy to do this and will attend provided we are given ample notice, and someone is available to attend. If you are interested in forming a simi-
lar group for your town, the Old Bridge model is an excel- lent model. They usually have a representative from the town (the mayor, an elected official, the township engineer or chief of police) attend and give a local update on what is happening and how that may impact the several condo- miniums or homeowner associations in the town. If you’d like more information on this, I can have Rich Pucciarelli contact you. Rich is a long time member of this group and is currently on our Homeowner Leader Committee. I’m sure Rich will be happy to help.
“We have a busy summer planned for CAI-NJ and before you know it, summer will be over and we will all be attending the CAI-NJ Annual Conference and Expo.”
We have a busy summer planned for CAI-NJ and before you know it, summer will be over and we will all be attend- ing the CAI-NJ Annual Conference and Expo. This year it will again be held at the iPlay America in Freehold and will take place on October 17th. Make sure to mark your calendars and plan on spending the day with our business partners and other attendees. We anticipate over 1200 attendees this year. Don’t miss out and be sure to tell your other board member contacts, your committee chairs and members and management team to attend. Definitely a day well spent. n
Register now for the CAI-NJ Annual Conference & Expo — Details are on pages 32-33 of this issue!
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