CAI-NJ July 2018 (w)
construction. We would drive down from north Jersey to visit our “dirt” and gradually watched the building go up. This was all very exciting as we never bought a brand new home before; only re-sales. The day of the move was at last upon us. At the condo closing, we were handed a huge folder with several large binders – our documents! We were told that we needed to review these – the Master Deed and By-Laws, one set for each association. We would come to learn that our condo lives would in many ways revolve around these important binders. Our move was uneventful. We soon found out, as time progressed and construction continued around us, that all of the buildings had identical unit numbers. Even the mail carrier got confused and would often deliver a neighbor’s mail to the wrong building. Getting your neighbor’s mail, we found out, is one of the growing pains of living in brand new construction. We settled into our new home and began making friends. The clubhouse was soon given a certificate of occu- pancy. There were holiday parties, shows, trips, and then elections for the association boards. Living in a building with 8 units allowed us to develop bonds with our neighbors. We held building parties much like block parties. There were other adjustments to make CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 30 “There were holiday parties, shows, trips, and then elections for the association boards.”
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