CAI-NJ January 2017
“There is a road, no simple highway…that path is for your steps alone.” Robert Hunter – “Ripple”
I know this sounds cliché, but about eighteen months ago, I wasn’t sure that I would be writing this column. You see, around that time I was facing a serious health issue, and I was not sure what my future, or the road immediately ahead, was going to hold. And while my prognosis was always optimistic, I will always remember the uncertainty I felt during this time, but I will also remember the love, support and guidance I received from family, personal and professional friends, my co-workers, my faith and of course my medical team. The path was mine, as the quote says, for my steps alone, but through all of it, I was never alone. In addition to love, support and guidance, I also received many words of advice. One of my favorite tid-bits was from a good friend who gave me three words of advice: “Just don’t die.” Helpful, right? Well, I took that admit- tedly suspect advice to heart, and I was good to my word – I didn’t die. And now, eighteen months later, I am writing my first column as chapter president. So, by now you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with CAI. Well, I’m glad you asked! I am incredibly excited and grateful (pun intended) to have been selected to serve as the chapter’s president for 2017. I have many, many things that I would like to get done as president this year (that I will share with you in this column over the year), but for now my primary goal is to not mess anything up but more importantly to guide and support all members of our chapter and never make them feel that they are alone in their path to success or when it comes to reaping the benefits of being a member of CAI. Every member of CAI has the potential of being a mentor or ambassador for CAI. We have an outstanding and active chapter, and, with your help, we can make 2017 even better than the years before. What can you
do to be a CAI mentor/ambassador? Bring a junior or new colleague to an educational seminar or networking event; recruit a new business owner to join our chapter, share your knowledge/experience by joining a committee or writing an article for Community Trends ® ; sponsor an event; encourage community association volunteer leaders to become members, contribute to CA-PAC…you get the picture. Our business partners are a wealth of informa-
"Every member of CAI has the potential of being a mentor or ambassador for CAI."
tion in their specific fields, and I am certain would all be very willing to assist in any problem or question you may have regarding their expertise. The same goes for those who need guidance and support in their career paths. Managers, there is a scholarship just waiting for those who have their CMCA to help you along in your path to the AMS and PCAM designations! If you are not sure how you can help, please feel free to reach out to me or anyone at the chapter office. You won’t regret it. This year’s journey as president won’t be without its chal- lenges, but with guidance and mentoring from our past presidents, I plan to make it a successful and rewarding year. Keep moving ever forward! I’m looking forward to a great year, and I am also looking forward to seeing everyone at the 2017 CAI-NJ Awards Dinner on February 16, 2017 at The Palace at Somerset Park! Peace and Love, Denise
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