CAI-NJ January 2017
APPLE RIDGE... from page 31.
garages. Unlike many other condo- miniums, Apple Ridge offers an abun- dant amount of outdoor living space with each unit having anywhere from one to three oversized decks, and a large private entry courtyard large enough for a seating area. In addi- tion, there are designated parking areas which preserves the spacious, natural outdoor setting. Removed from the congestion of the outside world, Apple Ridge residents truly enjoy the best of both worlds having close proximity to Bergen County’s local parks, but still only being 19 miles from Manhattan with some of the best shopping and restaurants you can find in between. And for those who don’t care to
Photo courtesey CAI-NJ.
drive to the city, there are nearby train stations with a Park-and-Ride, or a bus to Manhattan which stops right in front of the guardhouse. And keep in mind, Mahwah ranks
#1 in New Jersey as the safest city in which to live, where the residents enjoy a tax rate that is as much as half that of many neighboring towns. n
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