CAI-NJ Jan. 2022(w)

GAME CHANGER... from page 42.

“Finding water intrusion is not always straightforward. However, this device has saved us numerous times and associations thousands of dollars...”

handle calling a plumber or interview- ing landscaping companies. But, as I often say, we may not save you today. It may not be in six months. Nevertheless, over time we will bring value that far outweighs the alternative. Stop the Drip to Savings Years ago, we would recommend alarms for our water heaters that buzzed at the sign of a leak, similar to a smoke alarm. For $30-$40, it’s placed next to the water heater or in a water heater pan. It is still a suitable device for today. Some companies now can track when there are spikes in water usage. There are several systems. The track- ing lets you determine if a water heat- er is leaking, toilets are running, leaky

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faucets, or residents who do some of the craziest things. The sensors are placed throughout the system and continually monitor the water usage. It allows you to understand why there are spikes and abnormally high usage from day to day or week to week. In addition, the app is downloadable, allowing you to review spikes on a real-time basis. You Don’t Need a Hammer to Kill the Fly We have already mentioned the monitoring of water usage in a build-

ing. Sometimes the damage is done after the leak is detected. So now that we see a spike in water let’s begin to investigate. I remember a superintendent sharing a story with photos about a leak that was difficult to find. The super had pictures on a phone of the holes they created in the apartment on several floors to find the leak. Unfortunately, water, more often than not, doesn’t always enter and exit along the same vertical line. I remember asking at the time if they used a camera snake. The response was no, but that was a good idea for next time. But, of course, that was many years ago, and now USB Endoscopes or Boroscopes are available, connecting to your phone wirelessly. Finding water intrusion is not always straightforward. However, this device has saved us numerous times and associations thousands of dollars dis- covering what’s in those walls without having to puncture holes on every floor until you hit paydirt. Facebook and Amazon have Given Tracking a Lousy Name After GPS technology became available, it was only a matter of time that our smartphones became track- ing devices. Now it is not the ankle bracelet type of tracking. Instead, it

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