CAI-NJ February 2021
and in compliance with existing law, and thereby rendering bills such as A4787 unnecessary. We will con- tinue to investigate and discuss this legislative proposal. In the meantime, let’s promise our- selves and our members to stay abreast of the various laws and regulations that apply to our industry, to listen to and follow the advice of our industry professionals, and to do our best to govern fairly and reasonably…remem- bering always that those we govern are indeed our neighbors. n LEGISLATIVE UPDATE... from page 8. ing meetings, addressing financial and business ethics, and dealing with dis- putes, all while ensuring the community that there are legitimate concerns and reasons for confidentiality. If the policy is clear as to its need and purpose, residents are less likely to complain that the board is “keeping” information from the community or is otherwise not being transparent about their actions. A concise and clearly written code of con- duct policy will typically disarm those residents who believe the board has an alternative agenda and may even go a long way towards fostering a sense of community. n ETHICS... from page 48. END NOTE: 1 Community Association Institute’s pam- phlet, “ From Good to Great: Principles for Community Association Success ” is the perfect resource to call upon in educat- ing board members and residents alike, but it is also a great place to start when formulating a code of conduct policy.
You can view and download the full pam- phlet here: AboutCAI/Documents/Good2Great. pdf .
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