CAI-NJ February 2021
There is always the flip side of this discussion. We miss seeing our boards, we miss our communities, as well as our networking events and trade shows. There is a real downside to meeting virtually that removes the human element and proximity of having someone sitting next to you at a meeting. Guidelines were set for in-person gatherings, din- ing, shopping. Even doctor visits are virtual. Looking to the future, how about a safe process to include both? Once restrictions on how many persons can gather together relax, incorporate a few in person meetings to the virtual meetings per year. Create the ability for hybrid meetings where those who cannot attend in person can call in or attend virtually. Utilize the technology to our advantage, and schedule people time in the mix. We may never go back to in-person meetings increasing in attendance; however, we can all start thinking about our meetings for the future. As some things change, others stay the same. Managers are steadfast in their goal to “work smarter, not harder” for the benefit and safety of our communities. This goes for main- taining value for our clients as well. Our industry is ever changing, and managers have always been able to stay afloat through our resilience and our willingness accept new trends with the changing times. n smarter, not harder” for the benefit and safety of our communities. Managers are steadfast in their goal to “work
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