CAI-NJ February 2021
BOARD Responsibilities & Roles By Larry Thomas, PCAM, Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO
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A considerable factor in determining whether a community association will be successful can be attributed to the relationship between the manager (or management company) and the board of directors/trust- ees. This relationship is the key connection, and every effort
is the “quarterback”. The president (or coach) must assume the role as leader and make sure the board members are aware of their roles and responsibilities. Just as important is for everyone to fully appreciate their limits as it pertains to their positions. Too often these conversations do not take place, and due to a lack of discussion and direction, the leaders and management team get off track, wander out of their lanes and put the association in a non-productive and/or counterproductive position. It should be established early on that one of the presi- dent’s key roles is as the main contact with the manager and the manager is the main contact with the management team. The most successful communities are those that follow a “policy governance” philosophy. Meaning, the board determines policy and the management team executes these policies. Once the board determines to advance a CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 20
should be given to make sure the responsibilities among the board and the managing agent are fully understood by all parties. This understand- ing also includes the resi- dents, vendors, committees, and every other party that interacts with the association.
“The most successful communities are those that follow a ‘policy governance” philosophy.’”
Running a community association is a team sport. The president of the association is the “coach” and the manager
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