CAI-NJ February 2021
New Monthly Feature for 2021! The Community Trends ® What Should You be Thinking About Right Now? — Community Association COVID- 19 Update will be a new monthly feature in every issue in 2021. While upcoming issues of Community Trends ® will include featured articles relating to COVID-19 and its impact on community associations in New Jersey, the Community Association COVID-19 Update will provide direct, bullet-point style updates of the latest relevant COVID-19 information available at the time of publica- tion. For the most up to date official information relating to COVID-19 in New Jersey, readers are encouraged to visit the State of New Jersey’s dedicated COVID-19 Information As New Jersey begins to administer COVID-19 vaccina- tions, the state’s goal is to vaccinate 70% of the adult popu- lation (approximately 4.7 million adults) by summer 2021. The state will be administering vaccinations in phases, with recipients’ eligibility determined by certain priority criteria. As of publication, the following groups are eligible for Phase 1A and 1B vaccinations: • Healthcare personnel • Long-term care residents and staff • First responders • Individuals at high risk (including people age 65 and older or adults with medical conditions including cancer, kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart conditions, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, sickle cell disease, down syndrome and smokers) Visit the State of New Jersey COVID-19 Information HUB for information regarding further HUB at Updates for February 2021 VACCINATION ELIGIBITY
vaccination eligibility, vaccination application process and locations of vaccination administration. SOCIAL DISTANCE PROTOCOLS FOR COMMUNITY LIVING The New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub includes safety guidelines for those living in shared or congregate housing, including apartments and condominiums. These guidelines include maintaining at least 6-feet distance from other residents, wearing masks in all common areas (including outside areas), postponing or canceling indoor community activities where social distancing and mask wearing is not possible, etc. PUBLIC RECREATIONAL BATHING INFORMATION & RESOURCES For the latest information and requirements for operat- ing swimming pools in New Jersey during the COVID-19 Pandemic, be sure to check out the New Jersey State Department of Health Website: This is a great resource for community associations and it is updated regularly. FUTURE UPDATES Future COVID-19 Updates, in addition to featured arti- cles, will include specific information relating to reopening of clubhouses, pools and other common area amenities, as well as any additional relevant community association information that are consistent with the latest information and guidelines from the CDC and State of New Jersey and Federal Government. CAI-NJ would like to thank this month’s contributors Editorial Committee Member, Andrew Podolski, Esq., Stark & Stark – Attorneys at Law and Editorial Committee Liaison, Board of Director, Benjamin Basch, American Pool! n
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