CAI-NJ Feb 2022

FAÇADE LEAKS... from page 26.

manager or other maintenance per- sonnel. This inspection would include a basic visual observation of the exte- rior of the building in search of dete- rioration, cracks, spalling, rusting or any other signs of concern. The win- dows, caulking, sills, lintels, and bal- conies must be checked. Frequently a common pattern of issues develops. A list of the floor and building sides, where the problems were observed, should be documented so an orga- nized scope of repair or maintenance can be developed. Ignoring one problem will devel- op into more severe damage and increase the cost of repairs due to continued deterioration. Band-aid Repairs These are temporary repairs which are usually not highly effective and need to be removed or redone as part of a more comprehensive repair scope. An example of this is caulk smeared over a crack in mortar or brick. Band-Aid repairs are only worthwhile if it helps to reduce or elim- inate a problem temporarily while a larger repair project is being planned. Often, band-aid repairs are unsightly. Who do I call for help? Issues that are considered mainte- nance or other smaller projects which are identified early enough can be repaired by hiring a qualified resto- ration contractor directly. Examples What mistakes should property managers or owners avoid? Not Maintaining the Property

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