CAI-NJ Feb 2022
What’s the Plan When it Hits the Fan: NATURAL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND COVERAGE By David Velasco JGS Insurance
I t’s easy to forget the plan when everything is well and good. However, this past year has reminded us of the importance of having a plan in place when “it” hits the fan. In this article, we’ll go over some of the causes of loss in a natural disaster, what you can do to prepare, and what the claims process will look like should you have to file a claim.
Wind Cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons are windstorms in excess of 74 mph. They can literally and unexpectedly tear off your roof. When it comes to wind your insurance carri- ers may provide a policy with a separate wind deductible. Water Natural disasters, including floods, hurricanes, torna- does, earthquakes, and tsunamis, can disrupt and con- taminate water supplies. Rain and pipe bursts are covered
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Causes of Loss in a Natural Disaster — Here’s how a natural disaster is going to hit you at home.
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