CAI-NJ Feb.2020(w)
I can predict the future, and you can, too!
So, what are my first predictions? I predict that we will serve our members — our homeowner leaders, manag- ers, and business partners — in a greater way than ever before. I predict that we’ll reach a new level of efficiency and use more technology to better serve your needs. And
lot of people are credited with saying it, like business guru Peter Drucker, the inventor of the hologram, Dennis Gabor, and the chief scientist at Atari, Alan
Kay, and they were all right:
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” We – you and I — are going to create an amazing future for both our members and our communities. But please, first, let me introduce myself… My name is June Bretz, and I’m the new Executive Director of the New Jersey chapter of CAI. I’ll tell you that I believe in the CAI mission and I’m inspired to work with you. I’m a native ‘Jerseyan’, with a diverse background in association management, business ownership, nonprofit leadership and consulting. Like you, I believe that communities are about more than houses, condos and apartments lined up next to each other. Each is a home to a family whose lives we touch. Second, I’m here because I see great opportunities. Together, we can capitalize on CAI-NJ’s solid progress over the last several years, leveraging the tremendous experience, expertise, and energy of the CAI-NJ staff, board – and you!
“...I’m here because I see great opportunities. Together, we can capitalize on CAI-NJ’s solid progress over the last several years...”
I predict that through continued legislative advocacy and increased, mission-focused community service, we will build connections that serve us all, build value in your communities, and make a positive impact on everyone who depends on us. What’s your prediction? Let’s talk. Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2020 — and the decade beyond. n
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