CAI-NJ Feb. 2019
MANAGEMENT TRENDS... from page 45.
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increases, but the board has to be responsible and act in the best interests of the community. Open communi- cation with owners is a must and often publishing a monthly board update on the community web site and/ or via global email is recommended. While not every owner is available via email, all emails should be print- ed out and offered in a flyer or placed on the bulletin board, or noticed on the door of the clubhouse. A good notice that is viewable publicly should simply state: The board’s monthly update is now available, with an explanation of how it can be obtained. It is important to know who has email and does not. The global emails should not list all owners, since some people do not want their email addresses published and this practice will get more cooperation from owners who want to be informed, but not subject to unwanted emails. In summary, the cost of everything matters and how boards respond to managing costs is key to their effec- tiveness. n
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