CAI-NJ Feb. 2019
ENERGY... from page 20.
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tain times. These options aren’t some- thing of which a manager or a board would necessarily be aware of. Deregulation’s Challenges, Opportunities Energy deregulation in certain geo- graphic areas has the potential to reduce billings, but brings with it a new array of utility tariffs, alternative supplier contracts and confusing ter- minology. Using an alternate supplier does not always guarantee savings. In states with electric deregulation, for instance, an energy consultant could
“Managers and boards often think the utility company wouldn’t make errors, and pay their bills accordingly, which is definitely not the case.”
solicit bids from the largest and most reli- able alternative energy suppliers avail- able. This ensures that the association is being charged the lowest possible rate. But it is important that the quotes are collected on the same day and same time. Given that energy is a commodity that is traded, getting rates on different days will not provide the most apples to apples comparison and add further confusion to the process. However, you should note that not all energy rates are created equal.
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