CAI-NJ December 2020
PRESIDENT’S CORNER... from page 5.
Advocacy is Critically Important to our CIC’s!
The New Jersey Legislative Action Committee (NJ-LAC) continues to work diligently on behalf of our Common Interest Communities. For addition- al insight on the legislative priorities affecting our communities, please read George Greatrex’s article in this issue of Community Trends ® on page 8. Please also remember the incredibly important work of the Political Action Committee (PAC) since they provide financial sup- port for the LAC to help advance the chapter’s interests on a state-wide basis. Your help matters! In Closing...Thank You! As always, the CAI-NJ Board of Directors and the entire CAI-NJ Team thank you for your continued support. We have many new and exciting programs on the horizon, and we have much to be grateful for. For now, please stay safe and remember that CAI-NJ is part of your family. I’d like to end my last article with this quote (Best Quote for 2020) — “This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.” I genuinely thank all of you for your friendship and support — it’s been an absolute honor to serve as the CAI-NJ President this year! n an absolute honor to serve as the CAI-NJ President this year!” “I genuinely thank all of you for your friendship and support — it’s been
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