CAI-NJ Dec. 2019

GET to KNOW... Industry Leaders With 5 Questions

JEFFERY LOGAN GUARDIAN SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. If you were not in this industry, what would you be doing? Working in education, teaching and helping students. Teachers have such a positive impact on children.

CHELSEA DONNIGAN CAI-NJ If you were not in this industry, what would you be doing? I am a huge animal lover, so I would truly enjoy

My worst day is... No such day as a bad day! Live life to its fullest. Learn from mistakes, and move on...Continue to create memories with family and friends. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

the opportunity to work with animals on a daily basis, whether it be training, grooming, or even starting my own doggy day care. What is a special talent you have? I am oddly good at Sudoku. That is probably the most used app on my phone (besides my email). What is a talent you wish you had? Being that I tend to belt out my vocals at least ten times a day, I do wish my singing voice was a bit (by a bit, I mean A LOT) better. I’m sure people around me also wish that. I cannot go a day without... Coffee... iced, hot, room temperature... doesn’t matter! When I am not working, you can find me... Cold days: snuggled up on my couch with my dogs; Warm days: hiking, bike riding or on the beach.

I cannot go a day without... Seeing my two girls, Avery (2 years) and Sophia (8 Months)

What was the last book you read? Chop Wood Carry Water

My real life hero is... My wife. She is a great mother and wife while putting her all into her career every day.

ROBERT ARNONE RCA MANAGEMENT, LLC What is a talent you wish you had? Photographic memory

What was the last book you read? The Tattered Collar, by Bob Arnone

My real life hero is... My grandfather. He achieved so many career and personal successes. From second in command of the NYC Fire Department. To being married to my grandmother with six children for 70+ yrs.

If you were not in this industry,what would you be doing? Captain of a ship sailing the South Pacific

When I am not working, you can find me... Challenging myself either physically or mentally.

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