CAI-NJ Dec. 2019

DEER... from page 14.

several options to find what works best for their community and residents: 1. Hunting & Population Control: This option unfortunately makes some uncomfortable for both safety and ethical reasons. However, since we removed their major natural

predators, something has to lower their population. Not hunting an overpopulated area is not always the best option for the deer them- selves either, as we see higher rates of disease and starvation. Lowering the population through hunting could be an option for you depending on your local hunting restrictions and the amount of open space you have. Consider check- ing out the NJ DEP website and

What can I do about the deer in my community?

There is no magic answer to this question. Many people have to try

Experience Resources Excellence

“Not hunting an overpopulated area is not always the best option for the deer themselves either...”

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Taylor Management Company has been managing community associations for decades. We have been recognized by the Community Associations Institute (CAI) as an Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC) and by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) as an Accredited Management Organization (AMO). These designations are accorded for the highest level of ethics and professional management in the industry.

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learning about the regulations in your area to see if it is an option for you. 2. Fencing & Exclusion: Everyone knows a 10-foot fence will keep deer out. Unfortunately, this is not an option for everyone due to local regulations and high costs. There are ways to utilize lower fences strategically to deter deer. Being a prey species, there is a greater risk to jump into an area they are unsure of what is on the other side. If a 6-foot fence is as high as you can go, a fence they cannot see

Leaders in Professional Community Management Since 1992!

80 South Jefferson Road, 2nd Floor, Whippany, NJ | Tel. 973.267.9000 100 Franklin Square Drive, Suite 203, Somerset, NJ | 732.764.1001



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