CAI-NJ August 2021

MANAGEMENT TRENDS... from page 56.

forceable due to changes in state or federal law. We have all witnessed during the pandemic, battles over “jurisdiction”; what level of government has author- ity adopt regulation of its citizens. Boards are sometimes quick to adopt a new rule in reaction to an issue that has developed in the communi- ty. Checking with the association’s legal counsel is extremely important in today’s complex community gov- ernance environment. Legal counsel will be able to guide the board in adopting rules that are consistent with state and federal laws as well as those restrictions in the governing documents. A community’s profession- al management will also be able to provide guidance based upon trends in the industry and experience with similar issues at other communities. What We Have Learned from COVID-19: Health, safety and security in a community has never been a higher priority and so having durable restric- tions reflecting on what has been learned over the past 18 months is an important consideration. At this particular time, we are (hopefully) moving away from the worst of the pandemic, but with the proliferation of “variants”, it is not over. Community facilities are now re-opening but, independent of liability and insurance concerns, the highest priority for a community is keeping neighbors safe from any potential issues with the com- mon elements. Restrictions have been


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