CAI-NJ Aug.2018 (w)
WRITTEN POLICIES... from page 24.
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burdensome requirements that are nei- ther fair nor efficient for either party. Even with an existing ADR procedure in the by-laws, a board will likely need to establish a written policy to clarify these procedures or fill in missing information. Association gov- erning documents which have no ADR requirement or simply require the asso- ciation offer ADR without setting forth a procedure are preferable because they allow the board to adopt a fair and efficient procedure which works for the community and which can be changed from time to time. Any community association board which wants to adopt one of the above policies should consult with legal counsel to determine whether an amendment is required for cer- tain desired provisions or whether the procedures can be implemented by the board’s authority. Of course, there are other important resolutions community associations will want to adopt. To maximize safety and min- imize the risk of property damage, condominiums and other attached homes will want policies on dryer vent cleaning, chimney cleaning, and clothes washer/dishwash- er hoses. Communities with park- ing problems will want a parking enforcement and towing resolution and those with investor owners will want a leasing resolution. Before considering those resolutions, how- ever, smart boards will want to ensure they have at least these five policies nailed down. n
Government Report: “Clothes Dryer Fires in Residential Buildings.” Required reading for board members and property managers.
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