CAI-NJ Aug.2018 (w)
WRITTEN POLICIES... from page 23.
the master deed/declaration for use restrictions, to the by-laws for exterior modification procedures, to the gener- al rules for the pool rules, and then to a policy resolution for requirements on changing out washing machine hoses can be overwhelming. It is not surpris- ing that homeowners may miss some important information. Compiling a summary of all of this information into one place is initially a lot of work but once it is done the regular updating is not difficult at all and will, of course, directly correspond to how active a board has been in making changes.
ciation, or cooperative, New Jersey law requires it to provide a proce- dure for the resolution of disputes between owners and the association and between owners, which shall be available as an alternative to litiga- tion. This is known as alternative dis- pute resolution or ADR. Many boards never think about their ADR policy until they are faced with scheduling a hearing. Once the issue has been raised, it may realize no ADR policy exists, which can lead to delays in providing ADR. Or it may realize that an ADR policy does exist but is poorly written, which can lead to confusion and even additional disputes about the procedure itself. Some by-laws include an ADR procedure and these procedures are often ill conceived or impractical and may even impose
boards to adopt specific policies, such as for dryer vent cleaning or parking, that include an established fine proce- dure for violations. Of course, any fine policy must reference ADR as no fine should be imposed without an offer of ADR. 4. RULES AND REGULATIONS. A truly efficient board will summa- rize the association’s use restrictions, rules and regulations, and other pol- icies into one document and update it from time to time. These board members know that homeowners can better comply with their obligations when these are organized and eas- ily located. Trying to jump from
5. Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Whether a community association is a condominium, homeowners asso-
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