CAI-NJ Aug.2018 (w)
CHAPTER TRENDS Prime Management, Inc., AAMC Introduces Crystal Fitzpatrick, MPA, CPA as new Director of Financial Services Prime Management, Inc., AAMC recently announced the creation of a new position, “Director of Financial Services” and named Crystal Fitzpatrick, MPA, CPA to the post. Crystal brings 12 years of public accounting expe- rience to the position; most recently serving as a Senior Audit Manager for a large public accounting firm and also serving on the NJSCPA’s not-for-profit interest group. “Prime is known in the industry as a leader in financial reporting and con- trols,” said Christopher Nicosia, MM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, Operations Manager. “This new position will allow us to successfully service our current clients while increasing our capacity to provide expert financial management to more communities.” “We are excited to bring Crystal onboard to develop this new position; her knowledge and years of experi- ence will bring a tremendous value to our clients,” said Barbara Drummond, CMCA, PCAM, President. “This change demonstrates our continued commitment to provide world class financial man- agement and reporting services to our clients now and into the future.” n
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