CAI-NJ Aug.2016
paving, roofing, siding and drainage for all types of facilities. We are currently the engineers for projects involving extensive structural repairs as well as complete facade replacements. Kipcon is also an equity partner with Energy Squared LLC which specializes in a full range of mechanical system upgrades and is one of the top Pay for Performance partners in the state having coordinated the capture of millions of dollars of energy efficiency incentives for our associations! Have you or your company received any recent awards or certifications? The thing that makes us most proud is when our staff members strive to take their professional expertise to the next level. This has recently been shown by Melissa Lathrop, who has obtained her professional engineering license, and Doug Schnorr for becoming certified in the inspection and evaluation of playground equipment. We now also have four staff members (John Steven, Brandon
Femia, Melissa Lathrop and myself, Mitch Frumkin) with their Reserve Specialist designation. In addition, I have recently taken all of the necessary educational classes to become both a mediator or arbitrator for construction defect claims. What trends do you see for the Community Association Industry? The community association form of homeownership contin- ues to grow. Currently 15% of residential housing nationwide is a community association while 60% of all new housing is being developed as an association. In our geographic area it is closer to 100%! The industry has grown steadily which, from an engineering perspective, translates into an aging infra- structure that, unless maintained and upgraded on an ongoing basis, can lead associations into a financial crisis and a loss a value. The trend I see is more recognition of the importance of physical evaluations by qualified firms using Reserve Studies as the tool to do this! n
See the complete list of Ultimate Sponsors on page 2 of this issue.
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