CAI-NJ Aug.2016
THE WINDOW REPLACEMENT DILEMMA: New Construction v. Replacement Window By Chris Tensen, CMCA, AMS KPI2 Contractors, Inc.
A s your development continues to age, so do the building components, including windows. Window replacement; usually considered a homeowner expense, (determined by your association documents) when replaced, if not installed correctly can significantly impact the condition of your building without anyone even knowing about it. So you have to ask the question as to what depth your association may want to become involved. Most associations rely on Architectural Control Guidelines and/or Buildings and Grounds committees to establish and maintain aesthetic continuity and ensure compliance within the Association Rules & Regulations. Should the association consider defining the correct window type and the installation means and methods required for your building type? Defining them now, will more than likely eliminate extensive “hidden and latent” building damages in the future. In theory the goal for almost every consumer is to bal- ance product quality vs. product cost, a delicate balance. When purchasing windows for replacement an owner has
two options; replacement windows or new construction windows. What’s the difference you ask? The most sig- nificant difference is the nailing flange that is part of the new construction window. New replacement windows are always less costly than new construction windows, not only because the window is inherently different, but the installation methods are significantly different as well. $99.00 for replacement windows sounds like a bargain, but the short term savings can in the long term, turn out to be a very costly endeavor. Replacement windows and new construction windows can be generally defined as follows: “New Construction Window” – are windows that will have a nail flange around the perimeter of the window that works as a flashing strip to the existing building underlayment system. When using a new construction window, it will allow for a proper flashing detail ensuring a water tight finish. “Replacement Window” – are windows that fit into the existing window jambs. This means you leave the existing
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