CAI-NJ April 2021
LOOKING AHEAD ANGELA KAVANAUGH | CAI-NJ CHAPTER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR “All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today” — Unknown
W hat comes to mind when you think of Spring? For me, I think of baseball, warmer days, planning vacations and spending time out- doors with the family. This year at the chapter office, we are busy planning a full year of events into the eight that we have remaining, springing back to how things were a little over a year ago and doing it safely. Many of our members have expressed interest in return- ing to in-person events. In response, we have evaluated all aspects of hosting them to ensure the safety of our members. As of when I wrote this, the Governor’s Executive Orders allow for 50% occupancy for both indoor and outdoor events. We are looking forward to once again hosting chapter events and doing so with the safety of our members as our top priority. This however is a personal decision, so please refer to the events page of our website for up-to- date details on our event reopening protocol or feel free to contact me at or 609.588.0030, when considering your attendance. VIRTUAL Wednesday Webinars will begin on April 7th, on topics affecting those living in common interest communi- ties, featuring our 2021 Ultimate Partners. This series will qualify for continuing education credits and will be offered free for our members to attend. Registration is now open. HOA Board 101: Guidance in Leading Your Community Effectively. This two-day event will be presented on Monday, April 12th and Monday, April 19th by our management company exhibitors. It will be an interactive webinar program for homeowner leaders to become informed on the basics of serving on their HOA board. Registration is open and you must attend both days.
Skill Building Workshop – Thinking Outside the Inbox: How to Draft Effective Emails. This event, created by the Business Partner Committee for business part- ners, will provide a unique opportunity to receive hands-on assistance on how to draft effective emails. Registration is now open and is limited to business partners only, scheduled for Thursday, April 15th from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Speed Networking. Meet new members and begin to build new business relationships at our upcom- ing Speed Networking event on Thursday, April 22nd from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Registration is now opened, Paint & Sip Fundraiser, hosted by the F.A.S.T. Committee on Thursday, April 29th from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Attendees will network and paint along with the instructor as they receive step-by-step painting instruction on a zoom. Paint supplies and two bottles of wine will be delivered to those attending. Registration is now open and will close on Thursday, April 8th with limited space. LAC Virtual Roundtable Discussion, presented by the New Jersey chapter Legislative Action Committee is scheduled for Thursday, May 13th from 12:00 – 1:30 pm. Attendees will participate in small group discussions on legislative issues affecting common interest commu- nities. Registration is open and for chapter members. IN-PERSON EVENTS — SAVE THE DATES Check our events page shortly for more information. Business Partner Essentials Course, hosted by the Business Partner Committee, is scheduled for an outdoor CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 59
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