CAI-NJ April 2021
LOOKING AHEAD... from page 6.
Attention All CAI-NJ Webinar Attendees:
venue on Monday, June 21st time TBD . This class will give business partners practical information and advice on working with community associations. Individuals who com- plete the class and pass the online exam online will earn the CAI Educated Business Partner Distinction. Stay tuned for registration details on our website coming soon. 2021 CA-PAC Top Golf Fundraiser – The New Jersey CA-PAC , will host a Top Golf event at the Edison location on Thursday, May 20th from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Join us for a night of networking, food, beverages, and friendly competition while support- ing your CA-PAC. You do not need to be a golfer to participate! Bays are limited! Visit for registration information. 2021 Dennis R. Casale Memorial Golf Outing is scheduled for June 15th at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township. Enjoy a full day of golf while networking with your colleagues. CAI-National Conference & Exposition will be on August 16th - 21st, in Las Vegas at Caesars Forum, a 300,000-square-foot conference center. For further informa- tion, I hope to see you soon this Spring as we are continuously adding both virtual and in-person events to our calendar. Remember to check our website periodically for updates. n
Please remember to keep your webinar completion certificates in a safe place. These certificates are distributed after each CAI-NJ webinar. This is proof that you attended and completed the webinar. You may need to reference the certificate in the future and CAI-NJ does not keep track of each member’s attendance record. Community managers will definitely need the certificates to obtain credit for continuing education towards their designations.
Matrix Property Management Group — Now providing Non-Stop service daily — from TWO locations: North Jersey
Central Jersey
Succasunna, NJ 07876
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Chip Hoever CMCA, AMS, PCAM Vice President—Operations 732-228-8200 ext.1001
VISIT OUR WEBSITE Matrix provides full service property Management from A to Z… yes, we do it all • Maintaining homeowner accounts • Receiving and posting all fees—bank reconciliations • Full service bookkeeping • Answering homeowner calls—issuing work order if necessary • Supervising maintenance projects • Watching over contractors working on the site • Periodic site inspections, including nights and weekends • And much, much more...
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