CAI-NJ April 2021

DELINQUENCIES... from page 26.

cultivate a practical budgetary plan for the future. We are all looking forward to the day when this crisis is in the rearview mirror. Every community has gutted through it thus far and hopefully in a few short months this will be behind us. If your community is currently experi- encing financial issues due to the pan- demic, or you just want to plan for that possibility in the future, you should con- sult with management, counsel and the association’s accountant before making any budgetary decisions. Your profes- sionals will be able to provide appro- priate advice and counsel to decrease the impact of delinquencies and assist in keeping your community on good financial footing. n

A Community Association Management Firm

Management Services for Condominium, Homeowner and Community Associations Since 1991 Courtyards At Smithville 28 S. New York Road, Suite B6 • Galloway, NJ 08205 609-652-8793 •


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