CAI-NJ April 2021
MANAGEMENT TRENDS... from page 42.
Wilkin Management Group , Inc. 30 Years of History
facility. You may want to implement a BYOC (Bring Your Own Chair) policy. This will ensure that residents can stay within their groupings. Cleaning will also be a big compo- nent to a healthy pool opening. You will want to be sure there are clear cleaning hours set in place for your facility. You may want to shut down the pool area mid-day and have the area completely cleared out for a full cleaning of the facility. If you are using in house staff for cleaning, be sure to document the procedures each day so there is a record. Use chemicals that are safe for the public and within the CDC guidelines. CONT I NU E S ON PAGE 46
For over 30 years, Wilkin Management Group has held to an unshakeable corporate philosophy of Creating Value for Our Clients. Our People , Process and Performance demonstrates an un-wavering commitment to do so. With locations in Northern and Central NJ Visit us on the web at | 201.560.0900
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