CAI-NJ April 2021
DELINQUENCIES... from page 24.
ation’s finances in the coming months and the need to plan for same. Given the current climate and the uncertainty associated with poten- tial future delinquencies, you should also consider delaying non-essential projects until the crisis passes. While essential services will need to remain in place, it is sensible to defer spend- ing on items like upgrades and other enhancements to your community for at least a short period of time. At a minimum, discretionary spending should be suspended during the pen- dency of the state’s emergency. This will allow time for the governing board to assess the final impact of the pandemic on the community and
HOA Premium Reserve Solution Put your funds to work with the leading community association bank: • Choose from the Premium Sweep Account, Premium CD, Premium Ladders CD and Premium Money Market • Enjoy the ease of dealing with one bank to serve all your HOA banking needs • Get a competitive rate of return to grow your reserve funds • Access your funds when needed with the flexibility of investment options With our HOA Premium Reserve Solution, you get the security of knowing your funds are protected by a surety bond. Let’s get started. Visit Nicole Skaro 908.524.8741 | Premiumreserveproducts are fornewmoneyonly (moneynot currentlyheldbyCITBank, N.A. F.K.A.Mutual ofOmahaBank). Funds inexcess of FDIC insurancecoverage limits arecoveredbya third- party issued suretybond. Suchexcess funds arenot subject toFDICdeposit insurance.The suretybondprovidingexcess coverageoverFDIC insurancemaybecancelledat any timeupon30days’ writtennotice. Shouldanoticeof cancellationbegiven, CITwill contact theclient todiscuss alternatives toprovide for thecontinued safetyof funds. Deposit and loanproducts areoffered throughCIT Bank, N.A., theFDIC-insurednational banksubsidiaryofCITGroup Inc. ©2020CITGroup Inc.All rights reserved. CITand theCIT logoare registered trademarks ofCITGroup Inc.MM#9075
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