ULTIMATE PARTNER Profile Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C.
Carol Koransky, CPA
Mohammed Salyani, CPA
Koransky and Salyani are practice leaders for the firm’s New Jersey CIRA (Common Interest Realty Association) Practice.
Photos this page courtesy CAI-NJ. W ilkin & Guttenplan is a full service accounting and consulting firm based in East Brunswick, NJ. Founded in 1983 by Edward Wilkin and Edward Guttenplan. The firm offers services in accounting and audit, business valuations, estates and trusts, taxation, litigation support and a full range of commercial services. In addition to real estate, we also serve middle-market and closely-held businesses, international companies conduct- ing business in the U.S. and other countries, life science and pharma companies, and not-for-profit organizations. We have a department that specializes in servicing Community Associations and have been active participants in CAI, on both the regional and national level. We have held positions ranging from Chapter President to Chairman of the National Accountants’ Committee. Our clients receive leading edge advice and insight based on our knowledge and application of industry best practices, encompassing operational trends, IRS rulings, and the regulatory environ- ment. Most importantly, however, founders, Wilkin and Guttenplan, have always believed that the key to continuing successful client experiences is the identification of future lead- ers, who are encouraged to develop themselves and expand their capabilities. Two of these individuals, Carol Koransky
and Mohammed Salyani, have joined Ed Wilkin and Ed Guttenplan as practice leaders for the firm’s New Jersey CIRA (Common Interest Realty Association) Practice. What is your role in the organization? What is your background? Carol Koransky and Mohammed Salyani are both Principals of Wilkin & Guttenplan and co-lead the New Jersey CIRA Practice. Carol has over 20 years of experi- ence serving community associations and cooperatives, having joined the firm in 1993 after having worked with both Wilkin and Guttenplan at a previous firm. Since then, she has provided audit, compilation, review, and consulting services to her clients. In addition, Carol is in charge of all internal continuing education within the firm. Mohammed has over 15 years of experience, hav- ing joined the firm in 2001, and is the current Treasurer on the CAI Board of Directors. In addition to providing CIRA clients with audits, compilations, and reviews, he often performs consulting services and agreed-upon procedures including fraud detection, forecasting and tran- sition reports for sponsors and management companies. Both Carol and Mohammed are highly active in education
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