tion and then add on charges for unnecessary repairs. • It’s always best to hire a technician that comes highly recommended, is CSIA Certified, has an excellent reputation in the community and has been in business for several years. • Ask for certification, insurance cer- tificates, and contractor licenses. Bottom line, you would not trust your life to a doctor who does not have the proper training, degrees and medical licenses. Do not trust your dryer vent or chimney inspections to unqualified companies. Your home, your valuable possessions – and your well-being depend on it! Q NOTES 1. http://www.nfpa.org/news-and-research/ fire-statistics-and-reports/fire-statistics 2. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission/ EPHA, from data obtained from the USFA and NFPA
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Subject to credit approval. 1. ICS ® and CDARS ® are registered service marks of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC. ©2017 Banco Popular North America. Member FDIC.
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