
• The transition duct that runs from the dryer to the first connection of the wall must be clear of debris, lint or obstruction and made of metal. Plastic is no longer up to code and must be replaced. • The most effective method of cleaning is by use of a brush system running through the entire length of the duct. • A blower unit alone is not the method of choice because it doesn’t generate enough air pressure to force the lint through the entire length of the duct. Some communities have older duct work which was constructed out of plastic. Over time this kind of duct work may become separated, and or packed with lint. In these cases, a re-routing or re-connection may be necessary to have the duct brought up to current standards and codes. • While price is a consideration, the cheapest compa- ny may not do the job properly. Credible companies must pay to have their people properly insured and trained. It is worth the extra money to have the job done correctly. But remember, if the owner is the

(below) Plastic transition ducts have long been against code. They must be replaced with metal ducts to meet safety standards.

(above) Manual Lint Trap found in some ductwork. This should be cleaned.

csia.org for a list of certified contractors and proper meth- ods of cleaning.

Dryer vent cleaning must include inspection from the interior and exterior. • No one can clean a dryer vent properly without coming into your home.



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