April 2024


G rading and drainage deficiencies are often a problem in common interest communities and can cause significant damage if not remedied in a timely fashion. Proper drainage is essential, and the defi ciency should be identified as soon as reasonably possible, or the community could be faced with expensive costs. There are various types of drainage concerns, which aren’t always within a community’s grass areas. There could be deficiencies in the pavement and concrete areas of a community as well. Some obvious signs of drainage deficiencies are water infiltration, raised or cracked concrete, a lake or ponding on lawn areas, a small stream in between homes and/or buildings, ponding on roadways, sidewalk flooding, icing, and forms of soil erosion are all examples of drainage deficiencies. Plans and specifications are vital to any grading and drainage, paving, landscaping, and concrete type proj ect. Having the proper grade for hardscape surfaces is as important as having them for landscape surfaces. They both need the proper slope for water to drain correctly. If the grading isn’t properly determined when paving roadways or pouring concrete, this could lead to ponding

in front of driveways, at the edge of handicapped ramps, and in front of refuse enclosures, where residents are attempting to access the containers. During winter months, there’s the possibility of freezing which could cause hazard ous conditions for residents.

evgenyatamanenko/iStock/Getty Images Plus

(above) Typical poor drainage conditions.

CONTINUES ON PAGE 33 Landscaping, over time, can hugely affect proper drain age. For example, when trees mature and create more shade than they did as saplings. It can impact drainage and grade because the larger trees give off more shade,


APRIL 2024

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